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<Screen Name> - Field Descriptions

The fields, links, and buttons available on the <Topic> screen are described below. (Use thumbnail image to indicate a screen-capture as clickable thumbnail is available, on clicking which it will display the actual screen-capture. Insert the thumbnail image and hyperlink it to the actual screen-capture. Read: How to hyperlink thumbnail image to screen-capture Remove this tip)

For a description of additional icons, buttons, fields and links appearing on this screen, see Common Interface Controls. (Hyperlink the phrase 'Common Interface Controls' to Common_Interface_Controls_Web.htm for MOLPower application or Common_Interface_Controls_StarNET.HTM for Star.NET applications. Remove this tip)

(The table should be separated into sections, based on the Panels and Panes in the screen. If required, provide a sample screen-capture of the Panels and Panes in drop-down box. Remove this tip)



TBD panel

A note within the grey box.


(Apply the TableText style to all Field names that appear under the 'Item' column. Remove this tip)

Description of the Field_Name1.

(Apply the FieldName style to all Field names that appear under the 'Description' column. Remove this tip)


(Apply the TableText style to all Button names that appear under the 'Item' column. Remove this tip)

Description of the Button_Name1.

(Apply the ButtonName style to all Field names that appear under the 'Description' column. In case you want to include content (e.g., field description of UI), place it within drop-down lists. Thumbnail image is not required to insert screen-captures with content. Remove this tip)

TBD pane (Apply the PaneName style to pane name. Remove this tip)




(If required, create Bookmark to the related Panel/Pane/Field/Button, as example, Button_Name2. Hyperlink the bookmark in an auto-sized pop-up from the procedure topic. Remove this tip)







