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Screen - Main Topic

Intro paragraph. Read more...  (Keep the introductory paragraph not more than 5 lines, when maximised. Write the additional information in 'Read more...' drop-down box.)

The <screen_name> (screen_ID) screen can be accessed from Menu > <folder_name>  >  <screen_ID>: <screen_name>. (Use thumbnail image to indicate a screen-capture as clickable thumbnail is available, on clicking which it will display the actual screen-capture. Insert the thumbnail image and hyperlink it to the actual screen-capture. Read: How to hyperlink thumbnail image to screen-capture Remove this tip)

Ensure that you have the appropriate permissions to access the screen and perform the necessary tasks. Follow your local support procedures if you are unsure as to whether you have the correct permissions.

General Information

Screen-specific Components

  • Access Details ( Provide the user role type, role level or special security that is required to access the screen. Also, link the name of the role types to the related bookmark in the Role Type repository.. Remove this Tip)

  • Process Flow ( Depending upon the volume of information it can either be written in a drop-down list or in a new page with hyperlink. Remove this Tip)

  • Prerequisites (Depending upon the volume of information it can either be written in a drop-down list or in a new page with hyperlink. Remove this Tip)

  • Points to Remember (Depending upon the volume of information it can either be written in a drop-down list or in a new page with hyperlink. Remove this Tip)

  • Messages - possible reasons and corrective actions (How to organise important Error, Warning, & Information Messages? Remove this Tip)

  • Screen - Main Topic - Field Descriptions (How to organise field description? Remove this Tip)

  • Quick Actions (Remove, if not applicable)

  • Dashboard (Remove, if not applicable)

  • Common Interface Controls ( Hyperlink to Common_Interface_Controls_Web.htm (for MOLPower application) or Common_Interface_Controls_StarNET.HTM (for Star.NET applications) Remove this Tip)

How do I?


  • Action 1

  • Action 2

  • Action 3


a. Start each action phrase with the action 'verb' and do not use gerund in such case.

b. Depending upon the volume of information it can either be written in a drop-down list or in a new page with hyperlink.

c. In case you want to include content (e.g., field description of UI), place it within drop-down lists. Thumbnail image is not required to insert screen-captures with content.

d. How to organise any complicated action in a separate topic?

Remove the Tips)

  • FAQ 1

  • FAQ 2

  • FAQ 3



a. Depending upon the volume of information it can either be written in a drop-down list or in a new page with hyperlink.

b. In case you want to include content (e.g., field description of UI), place it within drop-down lists. Thumbnail image is not required to insert screen-captures with content.

c. How to organise any complicated FAQ in a separate topic?

Remove the Tips)