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PCC Login

PCC Login

The PCC Login screen is used to log on to the PCC.NET application. Only the registered users of PCC.NET application uses this screen to login to the application with their valid User Name (that is, Login ID) and Password.

First time Users

In PCC.NET, the user registration process precedes the login process. During registration, you are assigned a User Name and the word "password" as your default Password. You need to change the default password during your first login to PCC.NET. Your login credentials, that is, User Name and the default Password, are informed to you via email.

After logging in to the application, the Change Password dialog box  is displayed. Using this dialog box, you need to change your default password, and re-log into the application with newly-created password. After successful login, the initial screen appears. Based on your role and the system action assigned to that role, you can access relevant information and perform the required tasks in PCC.NET. You can be assigned to multiple organizations. In such case, you can modify your default organization after successful login to PCC.NET application.

To login to the application for the first time, you need to perform the following steps in PCC.NET Login screen:

1.       Type in the address bar of your browser and then click next to the address bar or press Enter. The PCC.Net Login screen appears.

You are recommended to use the browser, Internet Explorer (IE - 11 or higher), for accessing the PCC.NET application.

2.       Type your User Name and the word "password" in the field Password and click LOGIN. The Change Password dialog box appears.

3.       Enter the details to change your password.

Mandatory methods required to follow while creating the new password.

4.       Click OK. A message, confirming the password is changed and requesting you to re-login appears.

5.       Click OK. The PCC.Net Login screen re-appears.

6.       Enter you User Name and new password and click LOGIN. The initial screen appears. Here, you will find different menu items for performing your regular tasks.

Your personal details are displayed at the top-right corner the screen. These include:

7.       Click the link (indicating the default organization) on the top-right panel, if you are associated with multiple organizations, to switch among existing organization. The Organization Selection dialog box appears with the list of organizations assigned to you.

8.       Select the relevant organization you want to work for. The new organization code is displayed as a link on the top-right of the screen.

Please contact the GSG (Global Support Group) users for any issue related to logging into the PCC.NET application.

Existing Users

To login to the application as a regular user, you need to perform the following steps in PCC.NET Login screen:

1.       Type in the address bar of your browser and then click next to the address bar or press Enter. The PCC.Net Login screen appears.

2.       Enter you user name and password, and click LOGIN. The initial screen appears. Use different menu items for performing your regular tasks.

Your personal details are displayed at the top-right corner the screen. These include:

3.       Click the link (indicating the default organization) on the top-right panel, if you are associated with multiple organizations, to switch among existing organization. The Organization Selection dialog box appears with the list of organizations assigned to you.

4.       Select the relevant organization you want to work for. The new organization code is displayed as a link on the top-right of the screen.


Error Messages

While creating a password you need to abide by a few mandatory rules. Otherwise, PCC.NET displays the following error messages.



Probable Reason

Suggested Step


Password should be of minimum 8 characters


The new password you have provided has less than eight characters.

Register in the application with a password with eight or more characters.

Password should not be among last 5 passwords!!


The current password you have provided matches with one of the last five passwords used by you.

Register in the application with a new and unique password.

The password should contain characters from 3 of the following 4 categories:

  • At least one character in uppercase.

  • At least one character in lower case.

  • At least one integer.

  • At least one non-alphabetic character among @, $, !, %, *, #, ?, and &.


The current password you have provided does not follow the instructions prescribed to generate a new password in PCC.NET.

Follow the mandatory rules while creating a new password in PCC.NET.

Password should not contain the user login id or its parts that exceed two consecutive characters !!


The password you have provided matches with your User Name (that is, Login ID) or its parts that exceed two consecutive characters.

Register in the application with a password that does not match with your User Name (that is, Login ID) or its parts that exceed two consecutive characters.



The New Password you have provided matches with your Current Password.

The New Password should be different from your Current Password.



The New Password you have provided does not match with Confirm New Password.

Both the New Password and Confirm New Password should be same.